
Margaret Roberts Polygon Landscape 2013 (triwall cardboard and Kandos town) (detail: Polygon 37).

A few visitors to Polygon Landscape commented on polygon 37 because it is the shape of the corner shop (pictured above left) that Mrs Kearins had for many years until sadly she died only recently. They told stories of how she sold lollies and cigarettes (thuogh restricted this to only lollies to children under 18). On the last day of Cementa13, Aroha Ana Hotere visited Polygon Landscape and decided to foster polygon 37. She said she would be honoured to have the polygon of Mrs Kearins' shop on the wall of her own shop, the Kandos Gourmet Pizza at 10 Angus Ave. She is pictured holding the polygon in the Scout Hall and later trying it out on the Pizza shop wall.